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How to Defluorinate Water and Waste Water with Electrocoagulation Equipment & Systems

Fluoride is a natural, monatomic anion mineral found in foods, water, soil and the earth’s crust.

Fluoride ions have a number of important industrial and medical applications. For example, they are used in the production of aluminium, glass, and ceramics, as well as in water treatment as a way to prevent tooth decay.

Nowadays, it can be found in toothpaste, as well as groundwater sources, but recent concerns have arisen over the compound’s adverse health and environmental effects.

In this article we will explore how Electrocoagulation equipment can be used to defluorinate water flows.

What Are Fluoride Ions in our Water and Industrial Effluents?

Fluoride ions are atoms of the chemical element fluorine that have gained an extra electron, giving them a negative charge. Fluorine is a highly reactive and toxic element and is found in compounds such as fluorite (calcium fluoride) and cryolite (sodium aluminium fluoride).

Fluoride ions can easily form compounds with other elements, such as calcium and aluminium. In water and waste water, fluoride ions can exist as free ions or as part of a compound, such as hydrofluoric acid (HF).

Potential Health Hazards of Fluorides

Some researchers analyzed the health effects of fluoride and found that high levels of fluoride exposure were associated with an increased risk of several health problems, including fluorosis, skeletal fractures, and reduced IQ in children.

Over the past few decades, concerns have arisen about fluoride’s potentially harmful effects on health, including:

  • Thyroid Problems

  • Neurological Issues

  • Tooth and Bone Damage

  • Skin Problems

  • Cardiovascular Issues

  • Reproductive Problems

  • Neurological Issues

  • Tooth and Bone Damage

How to Remove Fluoride from Water or Waste Water Streams

Given the health and environmental problems associated of water and waste water with high fluoride levels, it is necessary to use the correct treatment method to defluoridate water.

There are several treatment technologies that can be used to remove fluoride from water which include Electrocoagulation (EC) and Electro-oxidation (EO).

Electrocoagulation (EC) is an electrochemical technique, in which a variety of unwanted dissolved particles and suspended matter can be effectively removed from an aqueous solution by electrolysis. The defluorination treatment can be set up by continuous flow or by batch, depending on the project requirements.

PREDEST's many years of treatment results showed that the continuous flow electrocoagulation technology is an effective process for difluorination of potable water supplies and could also be utilized for the defluorination of industrial wastewater.

How Electrocoagulation (EC) Removes Fluoride from Water and Industrial Effluents

PREDEST Electrocoagulation is a type of water treatment equipment that can be used to remove fluoride from any industrial effluent, or waste water.

In this process, Electrocoagulation process coagulates the fluoride ions thus to obtain defluorinated water. This residue can then be removed and disposed of by a filter press, while the steam is collected and cooled, condensing it back into a liquid. The resulting water will be relatively free of fluoride, as well as other contaminants that may have been present in the original effluent, as shown in the picture below.

There are several factors that can affect the efficiency of Electrocoagulation in removing fluoride from water and industrial effluents, including pH, flow rate, and current intensity.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of these technologies can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the project. For this reason, it is always a good idea to consult with a water treatment professional or a lab to determine the best approach for your specific needs. For a free consultation you can get in touch with our team.

How to Design an Electrocoagulation Treatment System to Remove Fluoride in Water

The first step to design a fluoride in water removal treatment system is to run a complete laboratory analysis of the water and assess the precise levels of fluoride in water or wastewater.

Once the analysis is ready, we can configure the best equipment for your application, whether it’s a household drinking water or industrial application.

Our most common approach is to install a test equipment before installing a full scale system. pre-treatment system and then, depending on the project requirements, manufacture the treatment equipment.

For more information about our treatment systems for fluoride removal and reduction kindly get in touch with us.


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